Thursday, November 28, 2002

I did finally get that mail mechanism working , so I can post to

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Blogger is up, so see ya back here tonight from Cincinnati during Thanksgiving Weekend!

Saturday, October 12, 2002

My template is out of date but I can't seem to change it.

Saturday, September 28, 2002 is purchased and will be in effect sometime in the next 24 houtrs!   Cool! is purchased and will be in effect sometime in the next 24 houtrs!   Cool!

Friday, September 27, 2002

my personal web space has me locked out tonight, so my blog at (Theoblogical Community) is temporarily at

Sunday, September 15, 2002

John Robb posts to the "Secret CIO"'s forum LinkTitle: Weblogs From: John Robb Email: Date: 12-Sep-02 1:06 AM GMT Herbert, Don't confuse weblogs with "blogs". What a teenager does on is very different from what a corporate weblogger does at work on an Intranet. In fact, most of the abuse you see in the use of e-mail and IM doesn't appear on corporate weblogs because they are on the Intranet for all to see. Why? Because e-mail and IM are done in secret. There is so much more I could write about this, but it is clear that you haven't seen a corporate weblog network in action.
Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog Everyone needs to find hours per week to stay current. But, if people subscribe to newsfeeds for the journals, a single reader can filter out the relevant articles and post them to their weblog. I subscribed to over 50 newsfeeds for biology journals. I could browse over 300 articles in less than 1 hour, posting the important ones to my blog to be read later. That is right. Browse and make posts. I could then link to the article when I had the time. It was incredibly efficient, especially compared to reading each journal TOC individually. Others could then get to the important new literature quickly.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Gary Turner's Weblog
From Marek, a friend of some people I don't know, but whose quote rings true.....

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Radio Community Server: Radio Community Server Pricing
This seems like a clincher for me. I was putting off buying it, on this, the last day of my 30-day trial, but reading about this put visions of a "MyChurch Radio Community" into my head. I guess I'll go ahead and take the plunge and license my copy of Radio.
O'Reilly Network: My Blog, My Outboard Brain [May. 31, 2002]
Somebody at Radio pointed me to this article, and I just found it again on O'Reilly (who have a least itlooks huge......Blog site with several authors posting.
Sam Ruby
Looking for the Radio plugin I found at home last night that a did a "Blog-This" kind of thing which has in their basic system. Now I gotta go looking for it, but sure enough, I keep stumbling over more and more intriguing things, like this Radio-powered site with a big list of feeds, and i wanna know what I need to do to do this kind of stuff.
Macromedia - Designer & Developer : Logged In
Macromedia has started a blogging strategy with some of their resident bloggers, and has people talking about the Blogging Phenomenon and its implications for business

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Weblogs are online journals and link-sharing tools. New feeds are also shared which update on the "syndicator" site as it is updated on the "sydicat-ee" site. Technically, these sites use a set of tools that are XML based, allowing them to help the Weblogger organize and share their information, as well as provide a structure for more efficient searching and categorizing. In my church, there are several people very active in many different organizationas or advocacy actions, and most of them are sending emails around which point to this or that resource on the Web. Weblogs are the ideal way to keep people in touch with the News that interests them most. My own site where my web pages reside now has a blogs subdirectory where I have started off on this quest to glean communicative treaures and features to help us capture some benefit from this new set of features. The bnice thing is, Weblogs and Blogs have been created within the Open Source Software movement, and so things are shared everywhere, and people are writing Plugin tools for many of these Weblog tools. Any of you out there seen this happening, and/or started your own? What are your observations? I am going to start supplying links to helpful Introductory Weblog articles that explain what all the fuss is about. Eventually, as I learn the ropes of crerating a News Feed and getting it going, I will start an Ecunet section of my blogging subsite. I use a tool called RadioUserland that is a nifty offline editor that provides some easy interfaces to help me prepare and publish Weblogs, News links, and Categories (see my opening attempts and comments here
weblogs: a history and perspective Rebecca Blood's article (author of "The Weblog Handbook")

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

all noise - all the time Christopher Locke's site, from whom I got the initial impetus and inspiration to look at blogging (in his book "Gonzo Marketing") | Weblogging Good article about the Blogging Phenomenon

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Ken's Sermon References Hey Ken! I did a "Blog This" thing under settings at my Theolblogical Site. Then I went to your page and did one, came back to my "Edit this Post" page, and there was your link. I then wrote all this: You can see how to do this on your site under your settings menu at, at the bottom , "Browser Shortcuts". You can install a Right-Click menu listing to add any URL to your blog Post page, and/or add it to your favorites list which will correspondingly post it to your blog posting page. I still haven't figure dout how to get it to go all the way in, without having to go to the blogger site and login (or be logged in automatically) and then press Post. I guess this is to force you to add some kind of description, like this explanation I am now writing.

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

Tomorrow's Dad's 70th,  and in thinking about this,  I'm usually struck with the realization that I feel entirely inadequate at this stage in my life to where I pereceived Dad to be at the same age I am now.  Example: the other day (on my 46 th birthday on May22) he mentioned to me that in 1978,  when he was 46,  he was helping me move in to my Semionary dormroom.   No way!  My son is now 13,  and I am constantly agonizing over how little we have saved toward college,  and how selfish I've been for every extravagance I've indulged in since the day he was born.  And then I keep looking to the future and how I am going to turn this around and get somewhere that will enable to me to save more,  and put away more,  and invest more,  and in general,  be a richer person,  or at least get to the level of comfort I experienced as a college student with parents who could (and did) foot the bill for everything.

Saturday, June 22, 2002

ok, I like this one ( from what I read. I may go to bed pretty soon, but now I'm hungry, so I'll probaly munch and read some more.
<  x  ?  ChristBlogs  #  x  > Above is the stuff I have just received in an email in response to my joining a "Christian Blogs" Net Ring. I don't have much a flavor for what sorts are on this ring, but I guess I am about to find out since they now have this weblog in their list. I'll go "Christian Blogging" I guess I'll call it, and see what kind of experience I have. Go with me if you wish, and then return here to see what I found (as I see it, of course)
ok, now it's after three, and I want to point you to my web, where I describe a lot of basic stuff about my "Influential people", some basic theological points (some of which need updating from the past five years, which I am hoping to now do through the blogging medium, seeing that XML is in use in a lot of the way weblog sites are put together, and then I may be able to begin to see the light technically that allows me to "call in" snippets of XML to my web (oh, I's at and there's a blog section there too (see the link at the top of that page I just pointed you to). I also linked to a forum application that I have set up at work, but I have framed a couple of instances of it and used it for our church site and for my site. It's a free ASP driven app that uses a database table on our production web server, where one of our sites also uses some tables for its forums that we are trying to get going. I am thinking about blogging/weblogging as a possible way to invite some community features to grow......around my site, the church site, and at work, if I can convince people there through some quickly obtained knowledge and samples, that something siginificant is hapening there/here.
It is 242am for cryig out loud, but I am up, defragging the hard drive on a laptop that I hop to take with me on our family trek to Eastern Middle tennesee to bask in a boring golf resort where there is very little scenery except for endless rows of craft shops and home building supplies, and time share condos, and very few books stores. I am taking the laptop so that I might further hone my barely more than remedial blogging skills. I have one blog at RadioUserland, two here, and one on my ISP's webspace, where my old and decaying web pages sit. I hope to find some way of melding all of this together into a somewhat central place or XML-linked cross reference, or something like that.

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

I have just been reading books on how the Web allows for Voice (in the tradition of "The Cluetrain Manifesto") by two of its contributor authors, Christopher Locke and David Weinberger. I have been toiling and ranting about this idea as it relates to the theological community over the past 10 years. Chris Locke wrote "Gonzo Marketing" , wherein he espouses his conviction thatthe free expression the Web gives for people to go on and on about what energizes them. This is like the meaning of life. It is where our God-given gifts/talents, and the world meet. We can use this passion, along with people we discover are related tous in this sense, and do something positive in the world.
It is the day of my 19th wedding anniversary, and in style of the way we met, my wife and I are having Pizza Hut pizza (she worked for a Pizza Hut where the girfriend of a friend of mine also worked, and the two of them got the two of us together). So that should be fun, and get me all retroflective and nostalgic and romantic and stuff. As I am being retroflective and just reflective in general, I have also been doing a bit of refelcting on my vocation, which seems quite up in the air at the moment (at least as far as it concerns what I'm actually doing for a living). I seem to pick out the most impractical professions to pursue, like something related to the Church that involves new technology. We know what that history is like.