Friday, July 12, 2002

Gary Turner's Weblog
From Marek, a friend of some people I don't know, but whose quote rings true.....

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Radio Community Server: Radio Community Server Pricing
This seems like a clincher for me. I was putting off buying it, on this, the last day of my 30-day trial, but reading about this put visions of a "MyChurch Radio Community" into my head. I guess I'll go ahead and take the plunge and license my copy of Radio.
O'Reilly Network: My Blog, My Outboard Brain [May. 31, 2002]
Somebody at Radio pointed me to this article, and I just found it again on O'Reilly (who have a least itlooks huge......Blog site with several authors posting.
Sam Ruby
Looking for the Radio plugin I found at home last night that a did a "Blog-This" kind of thing which has in their basic system. Now I gotta go looking for it, but sure enough, I keep stumbling over more and more intriguing things, like this Radio-powered site with a big list of feeds, and i wanna know what I need to do to do this kind of stuff.
Macromedia - Designer & Developer : Logged In
Macromedia has started a blogging strategy with some of their resident bloggers, and has people talking about the Blogging Phenomenon and its implications for business

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Weblogs are online journals and link-sharing tools. New feeds are also shared which update on the "syndicator" site as it is updated on the "sydicat-ee" site. Technically, these sites use a set of tools that are XML based, allowing them to help the Weblogger organize and share their information, as well as provide a structure for more efficient searching and categorizing. In my church, there are several people very active in many different organizationas or advocacy actions, and most of them are sending emails around which point to this or that resource on the Web. Weblogs are the ideal way to keep people in touch with the News that interests them most. My own site where my web pages reside now has a blogs subdirectory where I have started off on this quest to glean communicative treaures and features to help us capture some benefit from this new set of features. The bnice thing is, Weblogs and Blogs have been created within the Open Source Software movement, and so things are shared everywhere, and people are writing Plugin tools for many of these Weblog tools. Any of you out there seen this happening, and/or started your own? What are your observations? I am going to start supplying links to helpful Introductory Weblog articles that explain what all the fuss is about. Eventually, as I learn the ropes of crerating a News Feed and getting it going, I will start an Ecunet section of my blogging subsite. I use a tool called RadioUserland that is a nifty offline editor that provides some easy interfaces to help me prepare and publish Weblogs, News links, and Categories (see my opening attempts and comments here
weblogs: a history and perspective Rebecca Blood's article (author of "The Weblog Handbook")

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

all noise - all the time Christopher Locke's site, from whom I got the initial impetus and inspiration to look at blogging (in his book "Gonzo Marketing") | Weblogging Good article about the Blogging Phenomenon

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Ken's Sermon References Hey Ken! I did a "Blog This" thing under settings at my Theolblogical Site. Then I went to your page and did one, came back to my "Edit this Post" page, and there was your link. I then wrote all this: You can see how to do this on your site under your settings menu at, at the bottom , "Browser Shortcuts". You can install a Right-Click menu listing to add any URL to your blog Post page, and/or add it to your favorites list which will correspondingly post it to your blog posting page. I still haven't figure dout how to get it to go all the way in, without having to go to the blogger site and login (or be logged in automatically) and then press Post. I guess this is to force you to add some kind of description, like this explanation I am now writing.