Sunday, September 15, 2002

John Robb posts to the "Secret CIO"'s forum LinkTitle: Weblogs From: John Robb Email: Date: 12-Sep-02 1:06 AM GMT Herbert, Don't confuse weblogs with "blogs". What a teenager does on is very different from what a corporate weblogger does at work on an Intranet. In fact, most of the abuse you see in the use of e-mail and IM doesn't appear on corporate weblogs because they are on the Intranet for all to see. Why? Because e-mail and IM are done in secret. There is so much more I could write about this, but it is clear that you haven't seen a corporate weblog network in action.
Ron Lusk's Radio Weblog Everyone needs to find hours per week to stay current. But, if people subscribe to newsfeeds for the journals, a single reader can filter out the relevant articles and post them to their weblog. I subscribed to over 50 newsfeeds for biology journals. I could browse over 300 articles in less than 1 hour, posting the important ones to my blog to be read later. That is right. Browse and make posts. I could then link to the article when I had the time. It was incredibly efficient, especially compared to reading each journal TOC individually. Others could then get to the important new literature quickly.